Chris Blazejewski
Moving Rhode Island Forward
“The Highest-Ranked Progressive Democrat in the increasingly progressive R.I. House of Representatives”

Rhode Islander
As a lifelong Rhode Islander and the first in my family to go to college, I know how critical our work at the State House is to create opportunities for all our neighbors. My father worked two jobs, stocking shelves at a supermarket during the day and working nights on a loading dock for a local shipping company. My mother worked at home raising my brother, my sister, and me, before getting a job at a local department store.

Raising A Family
My wife Ami and her two siblings are first generation Americans. Her parents came to Rhode Island from India in the 1970s before opening a small business. Ami and I now have children of our own – a daughter in Providence public schools, and a son in preschool – and in raising them, we are mindful of the sacrifices our families made to provide a better life for us.

Over a Decade of Service
When I first ran for office 12 years ago, our campaign focused on a wide-ranging progressive platform addressing concerns such as preserving our environment, strengthening our education and healthcare systems, and growing a stronger economy for working families.

Proven Progressive Track Record
Over those years, we accomplished a great deal – passing marriage equality, codifying Roe v. Wade, guaranteeing paid sick and family leave to workers, making community college tuition-free for every high school graduate, and building the nation’s first offshore wind farm – and will continue to make progress on the issues most important to our community.

House Majority Leader
This term I was honored to be elected House Majority Leader and, in that role, have been bringing more voices to the table and building broad coalitions to pass legislation reflecting our community’s shared values. While much of our work focused on responding to the pandemic and the resulting economic hardship, we also made progress on many other important fronts. From environmental justice and affordable housing to healthcare and education; from supporting frontline workers to lowering the cost of prescription drugs; from enacting common-sense gun safety measures to tackling the climate crisis – we brought people together to take bold action on critical issues facing our state.
Together, we are
Rhode Island Forward
As House Majority Leader, Chris Blazejewski is bringing people together to get things done.